Our Christmas Tree
He was given clothes (not so exciting for him), a new IPod, and his most prized gift...a Playstation 3!
Showing off his "loot"
Todd never fails to surprise me...I had received a very nice purse for my Birthday/Christmas. However, he let me do some shopping and even went so far as to wrap the things that I had bought for myself. He then hid a small box under the Christmas tree skirt that he gave to me later in the evening...beautiful black pearl earrings that match a necklace he gave me for my 30th birthday! He is the best gift-giver ever...all husbands should be so good!
We then spent the remainder of the evening watching the classic holiday movie...Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!
We both worked Christmas morning and then spent the afternoon listening to Christmas music while preparing a turkey dinner that we were blessed to share with our sweet sister missionaries. They shared a beautiful Christmas message about the Savior and brought an amazing spirit of peace and gratitude into our home. The rest of the evening was crazy...we did laundry and packed to leave for SLC early the next morning. There was much anxiety and stress as we learned at 8PM our time that the SLC airport was closed due to snow and it was unsure as to when it would re-open. Todd and I decided we would get up and go to the airport for our 6AM departure and prayed that the runways would be clear....PRAYERS ANSWERED!
We arrived sleepy but safely to Utah early morning on the 26th. We immediately went to visit with Todd's grandparents and then had a nice dinner and belated "Christmas Day" celebration with Todd's family.
My 4-inch high heels were not what you call "snow-friendly"
Todd with Grandpa and Grandma Grunander
Todd, Jason and Mallory anxious to open their gifts!
Cute picture of Jen, Heidi and Andrew....sorry, couldn't get it to flip the right direction.
Carl and Christine....thanks for a wonderful Christmas.
The evening of the 26th was spent opening gifts with my family. John and Brittney had also flown in that same day and it was so great to have everyone together!!!
What an angel...so beautiful!!!
Dad enjoying his new office chair and Colts shirt!
We were definitely spoiled...thank you Mom and Dad!
The 27th was spent with my family. All of the boys spent the morning playing basketball and trying not to kill each other. The rest of the day was spent in a fierce competition of Madden Football on the X-Box. The girls knew the better way to spend the day...shopping the after-Christmas sales (as if we didn't get enough Christmas presents already).
"Shopped Til We Dropped"
Shoes...always bring a smile to my face!!!
The Wolthuis/Herbert Clans were nice enough to delay the traditional Christmas Eve party until the 27th when we could all be there! Thank you everyone for waiting...it made Christmas!
Bart and Jared in the Grandad Bart Memorial Jumpsuit...belt not included!
Devin, Eileen, Gwen and Emily singing "Must Be Santa....Snotty Nose"
Cannon, Emily, John, Brittney and Elle with their presents for the Left-Right game...
Lorin with his present...a size 12 shoe...only 2 sizes too big. Too bad Devin stole it from you.
Todd couldn't have been happier than with his present...$5.
Emily showing off the gift she brought...a sleeve tattoo...
which Brady ended up with...and wore to church the next day!
As if the sleeve tattoo wasn't popular...the most prized gift of the evening was
Hannah-Montana wig...
What I would look like as a blonde...I finally fit in to the family!
You can't help but adore this precious woman!
Sunday couldn't have been better...sleep in, great breakfast, attending church, Sunday dinner, and visiting with both families.
Monday we went down to SLC to eat dinner and walk through Temple Square...oh how I miss living on first avenue and being able to see the Capital Building and Temple Square from our balcony! The weather was perfect, the lights were amazing, the company the best!
Jocelyn is always gorgeous...Cannon refusing to smile...oh how I love that guy!
The True Meaning of Christmas!
Of course we couldn't leave Utah without a day of cards/games and Cafe Rio, which is how we spent Tuesday before heading to the airport to return to LA.
Thank You to both families for making our visit so wonderful!! We are so blessed to have your love and support!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!