What are your names? Todd Ryan Grunander and Megan Wolthuis Grunander
How long have you been together? married for almost 9 years, however we have known each other since 7th grade...
How long did you date? We went on our first "official" date to the Valentine's Day Dance in February 1994...about 2 weeks before Todd turned 16 (ohhhh!). We dated on and off for about 6 years before getting married.
How old are you? The BIG 30!
Who eats more? Todd for sure!! However, I sure can give him a good run for his money after a long day in the operating room missing both breakfast and lunch!
Who said I love you first? He did.
Who is taller? He is
Who is smarter? My husband, the "Boy Genius" as he humbly refers to himself! However, I would say we are both pretty darn smart and in a few different areas.
Who does the laundry? We both take our fair share, however lately he has been doing much more than me! Thanks babe!
Who does the dishes? We have the rule that whoever cooks doesn't do the dishes, but we sure don't cook very much...most nights we throw our own fast food wrappers away.
Who pays the bills? I do. Todd always keeps a handle on the money coming in and going out but I write 99% of the checks. I guess that is only fitting since I spend 99% of the money. Again, THANKS BABE!
Who mows the lawn? Lawn, what's a lawn...I have almost forgotten after almost 9 straight years of apartment living. When we do have a lawn, it will be Todd until we hire a lawn service. I don't do lawns...it ruins a perfectly good pedicure!
Who cooks dinner? We both take our turn cooking, however if a real meal is cooked then it is me cooking it! I am also the designated "fast food getter" as I am usually the one coming home later.
Who drives when you are together? We both take our turn, but it usually depends on who is the most tired or how fast we need to get there...I drive faster and a little more aggressively than my husband does!
Who is more stubborn? This would be a toss-up!!! I have to give him props though because he is almost always the first to say "I'm sorry"
Who kissed who first? Todd kissed me by the tennis courts after the Halloween Stomp of our sophmore year at Weber High...months before our "official" first date.
Who asked who out first? I technically asked him out first as the Valentine's Dance was girl's choice.
Who proposed? He did while on his mission vacation a few days before Christmas...
Who has more siblings? I do. I have 3 sisters & 1 brother; He has one brother & one sister.
Who wears the pants in the family? Of course, I do, but he will often mistakenly think he does. It's better this way because a good marriage should be 50 / 50 anyway, right!?!?!
I now tag Emily, John and Brittney, my Mom and Alissa
You two are a great couple....you compliment each other perfectly....so happy together. Love you!
You're answers really cracked us up. We were laughing out loud several times! We already did this one a couple months ago but thanks for thinking to tag us! We love and miss you guys!
You are so funny. I loved reading your tag. You and Todd are perfect for each other!
You two are perfect for each other!!! Two peas in pod! I think at one time you both were playing hard to get and Todd had to ruin everything and date what's-her-name and Megan cried for days. Look, it all turned out for the best in the long run!! Love & miss ya!
the fashion show looked like so much fun! I love hearing about you and todd. you two are such an amazing couple and so perfect for each other. love you two.
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