Happy Mothers Day to every mother...I admire all of you so much. Your life is more challenging and difficult than most will ever recognize. You work 365 days a year, 24 hours a day without rest or complaint. Your lasting influence on us all is immeasurble!
I would like to take advantage of this special day to honor my precious Mother and Grandmother. How blessed I am to have these two fabulous women in my life!!!
My mother's example of service, unconditional love and kindness know no end. Her support is endless...she has always made me believe that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to and never let me give up even when things were tough! I treasure my phone calls with her and I drive to and from the hospital. Everyone in her presence is made to feel of their importance to her! She is loved and adored by all those who come in contact with her more than she will ever know! Thank you for being the absolutely best wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and friend and giving us all something to emulate.
My Grandmother is truly one of my most treasured friends! She is always able to make me smile and laugh even when all I may want to do is cry. How I love that regardless of where we may be in Ogden, without fail we will see someone she knows and stop to talk. There is not a bad thing that anyone can say about this remarkable woman. She is the ultimate example of love, kindness, service to others, hard work and sacrifice. She has a love for the temple that permeates to all of her children and grandchildren.
I can only become half of the woman that my mother and grandmother are, than I will have succeeded in something in this life.
And to my dear sisters who are mothers...thank you for sharing your children with me! How I love all of them more than you can imagine! I admire you and the amazing mothers you are! Thank you for setting such a good example for me...I will have a lot to live up to someday!
Darling Megan, Thank you for your blog. How I feel blessed to be your mom. You are an amazing daughter and friend. I treasure your phone calls too and any time spent with you. I truly am on the countdown to you and Todd moving back to Utah. What joy to have you here after being gone so long. Thanks for you kind words. I wish I could live up to half of them. I love you daughter!
Great post. Where did Todd match? Richie
They are amazing women! We are lucky to have them in our lives and as examples of righteous, loving, charitable women. You will be an amazing mother as well, I have NO doubt. You are so loving and patient. I can't wait for the day!
love those two ladies! and thanks for being such a great aunt!
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