I was so lucky to be able to arrange my schedule to fly to Utah for a weekend in June to be there for Grammy Char's surprise 75th birthday party!
I boarded a flight at 7:00AM on the day of the party in sweats, flip-flops and a baseball hat with the plan to arrive in Utah at 10:30AM, go straight to Aunt Mindy's to ready myself and then off the park for the 2:00 party. I arrived in Utah on-time, and waited and waited and waited for my luggage to come off of the carousel however to no avail. It is now 11:15 and I head straight for the Delta luggage customer service counter only to be told that my suitcase was placed on the flight after mine and would arrive at 1:00PM. I was distraught and angry to say the least as I had arrived at LAX in plenty of time to check my bag. After a heated conversation with the agent and being threatened to have security escort me out, I was left with few choices. Kenzie had kindly driven down from Ogden to pick me up, but I had to send her back home to finish helping set up for the party. I headed off to the nearest car rental counter to get a car and then off to Gateway Mall to shop away my frustration find something to wear should my bag stay MIA. Part of the frustration of the missing bag included a priceless baseball signed by former Dodger players that Todd had gotten for his Dad's birthday...silly me for checking anything of value! Back to the airport and finally my bag appears at 1:45PM. I frantically drive as quickly as I dare to Ogden and ready myself in about 10 minutes flat as the party has already started and I have missed the great surprise of Grandma's arrival.
As I reach the pavilion, Grandma's back was to me and she was busy talking to other party-goers. Cannon tugs on shirt to get her attention and tells her someone wants to say hi....ME! I had called Grandma earlier that day as I was stranded at the airport waiting for my luggage and had a long conversation about LA weather and how work had been that morning and how sad I was that I had an emergency case that afternoon instead of being able to spend the day with Todd. Oops, guess I was lying about my whereabouts!!!
Me and Todd's parents
Yeah...the baseball!
Enjoying some snuggle time with my sweet Creed!
Sisters...minus Jocelyn.
Sure love these girls!
Two of the very most thoughtful, caring, righteous and wonderful men that I know!
After the party at the park, we then had a BBQ for the family.
Delicious food, a spirited game of kickball and a water fight...so much fun!
Strong like bull Wolthuis Girls holding our brother!
Oops, not for long...Johnny on his way down!
Brady cheering us on...how goofy we are!
I couldn't ask for better siblings!!!
Mommy and Daddy....and of course Uncle Lorin and his infamous "bunny fingers"!
Singing Happy Birthday to Grammy!
Best Dad in the World!
Trying to get a picture with my precious nephews and niece...about as good as it can get!
Me and My Princess Paisley!
I think Jocelyn and I fared the worst at the end of the water fight...
And we tried to avoid it!
I was fortunate enough to be able to stay in Utah for most of Sunday and attend church and enjoy a fabulous Sunday dinner cooked by Mom. We took Johnny and Brittney to the airport and then had some time before my flight so we headed to Temple Square. We were able take a tour of the Conference Center roof-top garden and marvel at what the church is able to create! And then it was back to LA for me...